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However, microalgae are also beneficial for plant growth.The oxygen produced by microalgae photosynthesis can prevent plant roots from anaerobic, there by preventing damage to plant roots.

Microalgae also secrete various substances (such as phytohormones and protein hydrolyzates), which can be used as plant growth promoters and biofertilizers, especially in the early stages of plant growth, germination and root development.

The presence of microalgae can significantly improve the removal rate of dissolved solids, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in hydroponic wastewater.
In the Water2REturn project, the University of Ljubljana tested microalgae and residual water after harvesting the microalgae in the hydroponic growth of lettuce and tomato.

Microalgae thrive in hydroponic systems, and vegetables grow well in all treatments, with or without microalgae.At the end of the experiment, the fresh weight of lettuce heads was not statistically different, while the addition of treated-autoclaved-microalgae and the use of residual water after harvest had a significant positive effect on lettuce root growth.

In the tomato experiment, the control treatment consumed 50% more mineral fertilizer than the addition of microalgae residual water (supernatant), while tomato yields were comparable, demonstrating that algae improved the nutrient utilization of the hydroponic system.Root growth was significantly improved by adding microalgae or supernatant (residual) water to hydroponic systems.

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Post time: Jan-24-2022